Black Acupuncturist Association
Dedicated to healthy communities.
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment
It’s currently the open enrollment period for B.A.A. This means anyone looking to become a free member may do so, now. This period is for the month of April only. Those who do not add their information before then will be removed from the website.
New Merchandise
While the Melanin Collection is being retired, we have created new ways to support our organization. We are now offering exclusive B.A.A merchandise. Every purchase will help to continue our mission in creating and supporting a strong community for people of color, wanting alternative health solutions, in the form of acupuncture from those with their hue.
Our Purpose
BlackAcupuncturist.com is a national platform for Black acupuncturists in the United States and those who wish to find them. This is a place to come, to gather, and to grow for the betterment of Black and Brown people. Licensed Acupuncturists are listed by state. Please click on the link to find a licensed professional near you.
This website also serves as a resource for keeping abreast of the latest news and research generated by the growing number of African-American men and women who practice this beautiful medicine.

Contact us.
If you need help finding a practitioner in your state, please reference the Practitioners Listing page or our Interactive Map!
If you are an acupuncturist and would like to join our site, click the "Join Us" button in the header and submit information there.
*Note that we are a database and do not provide referrals. If you are looking for treatment, please contact a practitioner near you.
Stay Up To Date
Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube! We are posting weekly videos that are full of information. From new acupuncturists, to the skillful way we approach holistic medicine, our YouTube has it all!

Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter, to keep up with how we’re growing
We send out notifications for events, progression in services, and the occasional survey. BAA promises not to spam. All information received from our mailing list is worth a read!
Be An Ally, Support Us!
Black Acupuncturist Association runs off of donations from supporters, like you. In order to continue maintaining the website and offering endless opportunities, we require donations.